Madrosatuna: Journal of Islamic Elementary School 2024-11-25T03:52:14+00:00 admin Madrosatuna Open Journal Systems madrosatuna Trend of Learning Media Model Create a Picture Story in Improving Children's Speaking Skills 2024-11-05T05:05:08+00:00 Dinik Susanti Setya Yuwana Sudikan Hendratno Hendratno <p style="text-align: justify;">Speaking skills are one of the important skills that children must have in the learning process. Video create a picture story is a learning media that uses sequential pictures accompanied by sound and text as a tool in the learning process. Previous research has shown that the use of audiovisual media can improve children's speaking skills. The literature study research shows a literature review that compares different audiovisual video media approaches in the use of speaking skills, such as narrative videos, animation, or augmented reality (AR). The literature study research method shows a literature review comparing various audiovisual video media approaches in the use of speaking skills. This research is expected to provide useful insights for the development of effective learning media in improving children's speaking skills. Increase the literature and understand the development of education and psychology in the field of effective and innovative learning media development. An interesting finding from the articles reviewed regarding interactive learning through pictures and videos is that audiovisual media based on Create a Picture Story provides more interactive and participatory learning. This finding shows that students taught using picture story-based video media have a higher level of information retention. Based on the results of the reviewed studies, it can be concluded that the use of Create a Picture Story videos in audiovisual media development has a significant effect on improving children's speaking skills. The learning model provides various benefits that support the development of speaking skills. The benefits include helping students organize ideas and compose sentences coherently, providing a context that makes it easier for students to understand and remember vocabulary and improve clarity of pronunciation.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Degradation of Reading Interest Due to The Influence of Gadgets on Elementary School Students 2024-11-06T07:42:04+00:00 Nur Khosiah Siti Zainab Silvi Andriani <p>The rapid development of technology can have many positive and negative influences on human life, especially in the field of education. This is shown by the presence of gadgets. Gadgets are technology that can be accessed by all groups, from children, teenagers, adults and even the elderly. Excessive use of gadgets can cause addiction and even have a negative impact on children's education. Where children prefer to spend their time playing with gadgets and often neglect their education. Children tend to focus more on gadgets than reading a book, this can reduce children's interest in reading. Thus, the importance of children's awareness of their interest in reading really needs to be emphasized so that children's knowledge increases. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of gadgets on the degradation of elementary school students' reading interest.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Khosiah, Siti Zainab, Silvi Andriani Analysis of Textbook Quality and Its Impact on The Formation of Elementary School Children's Character 2024-11-07T04:16:31+00:00 Rizka Sofyan Saputri Heru Subrata Titik Indarti <p>This research aims to analyze the quality of textbooks and their impact on the character formation of elementary school children. The research method used is qualitative with a content analysis approach. Based on the results and discussion, the Indonesian language textbook for fourth grade elementary school students in Indonesia Merdeka Curriculum applies characters based on Lickona's perspective from all aspects, although not every chapter has each aspect of character based on Lickona's perspective. There are efforts to integrate character values into the textbook, although there is still room for further improvement in presenting character values consistently. Provides further explanation regarding the various character development values which are an integral part of the Independent Curriculum.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rizka Sofyan Saputri, Heru Subrata, Titik Indarti Analysis of Short Story Reading Skills and Writing Skills of Elementary School Students 2024-11-07T04:29:31+00:00 Rosania Yulinta Wahyu Sukartiningsih Titik Indarti <p>Merdeka-Learning is an educational process to create interesting and creative learning situations.The study aims to determine the ability of short story reading skills and writing skills of students in elementary school.Merdeka Learning means learning, thinking, philosophizing and seeking information.Competence that comes from interesting learning allows a process when teachers and students experience real learning as well as experience the results. This results in smart, strong-minded, experienced and critical thinking learners, which reflects the goals of Indonesian national language and literature education. In Indonesian language and literature education, the concept of independent learning aims to increase students' interest and potential in character building, knowledge acquisition and critical thinking to analyze a problem through fun learning. In this research, the technique used is a qualitative-based data collection technique. The collection of this observation is a type of library research by collecting information about Indonesian literary works in the form of journals, books, articles and other research works. According to the data collected, it displays that students can think more sharply when implementing an independent learning curriculum because the learning process creates an innovative and creative atmosphere. Students learn according to their abilities and possibilities and are more independent in learning. The results of this study are Based on the results of data analysis above relevant: literacy There is a positive or significant relationship with writing skills.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rosania Yulinta, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Titik Indarti Implementation of Role Playing Learning Methods on Ethics and Politeness of Speaking in Elementary Schools 2024-11-07T08:03:27+00:00 Sri Kastatik Apriwa Yanti Wahyu Surkatiningsih Hendratno Hendratno <p>This study was conducted to determine the application of role-playing learning methods to ethics and the politeness of speaking in elementary schools. In general, this study aims to determine the factors that cause low Role of Ethics and Politeness in students and identify the causes of low Ethics and Politeness in speaking in students so that solutions can be found to improve the Role of Ethics and Politeness in class. This study uses a qualitative approach by defining the research object using data analysis methods. The subjects of the study were 20 fourth-grade students and 2 class teachers. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interviews. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, information can be obtained that the low role of student ethics is the cause of the lack of politeness in speaking and behaving. For this reason, a solution emerged: students must practice speaking and behaving politely through habituation at school, and teachers must often motivate students to speak and praise students who learn role-playing at school. Role-playing learning understands and considers students' interests in knowing their daily speaking and behaving skills. This study shows that implementing role-playing learning methods for students' speaking ethics and politeness is important in shaping students' behavior and actions. Students need to develop a high level of role ethics and politeness because this will make them accustomed to behaving and being polite in the formation of their characters in the future, and they will be ready to face challenges and obstacles.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Kastatik Apriwa Yanti, Wahyu Surkatiningsih, Hendratno Hendratno Application of Case-Based Wordwall Media to Improve Primary School Students' Critical Thinking Abilities 2024-11-15T03:43:12+00:00 Nurul Agustin Rahmat Rudianto Ria Resti Fauziah <p>Learning at SDN Jatikalang II Krian-Sidoarjo class V on the subject of energy transfer between living things, student learning outcomes are very low, low learning outcomes are influenced by sources of teaching materials that do not attract students' attention and the teacher's lack of creativity in developing teaching materials.&nbsp; Lack of knowledge regarding the use of learning media, especially website-based learning media, to improve student learning outcomes, what needs to be improved is how the teacher's role is in processing the class, how students respond in participating in learning activities in completing assignments with the type of problem solving presented in wordwall media. With the background of the problem above, the aim is to improve students' critical thinking through the application of case-based wordwall media. This research is a type of classroom action research (PTK) that goes through four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, tests and questionnaires. The results of research on student activities in cycle I obtained a percentage of 79% and increased in cycle II by 90%, the results of student activities obtained a percentage of 80% and increased in cycle II by 95%. These results greatly influenced student learning outcomes with the achievement in cycle I of 80% increasing in cycle II to 95%, while the results of the questionnaire in the form of student responses in applying wordwall media to learning activities were obtained at 92.5%. From these results it can be concluded that the application of wordwall media can be applied for problem solving and improving students' critical thinking.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Agustin, Rahmat Rudianto, Ria Resti Fauziah Improving the Quality of the Curriculum at the Integrated Tahfidzul Qur'an Elementary School in Banjarmasin City 2024-11-25T03:52:14+00:00 Rida Mulyadi Dina Hermina Makherus Sholeh <p>This research explored the quality improvement of elementary schools integrated at Tahfidzul Qur'an Elementary School (SDTQ-T) Irsyadul Aulad Banjarmasin. This research is conducted using a descriptive qualitative research method.&nbsp; The data were collected through interviews with the principals and teachers at SDTQ-T Irsyadul Aulad Banjarmasin about curriculum quality improvement. The results showed that the curriculum implementation process at SDTQ-T Irsyadul Aulad Banjarmasin is carried out by the curriculum planning process that has been determined. Then, the curriculum is developed according to student needs and school characteristics. However, sometimes, the lesson plans that have been made are not maximized during the learning process in the classroom. This will be a separate evaluation process for teachers to continue to improve the quality of their teaching in the school. Furthermore, SDTQ-T Irsyadul Aulad Banjarmasin teachers have realized concrete indicators of curriculum development competence. But it's just not too optimal.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rida Mulyadi, Dina Hermina, Makherus Sholeh