Madrosatuna: Journal of Islamic Elementary School madrosatuna en-US (admin Madrosatuna) (Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:38:32 +0000 OJS 60 Implementation of the Merrdeka Curriculum in Overcoming Bullying Through a Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila <p>A Merrdeka Curriculum was one of the efforts to overcome educational problems that are currently hampering the learning process and development of students. The problem identified in this research was bullying that was rife in the school environment where this problem had many negative impacts on students such a decreased achievement, changes in bad behavior, hindering the learning process and so on. The purpose of this research obtained data and facts regarding the implementation of the Merrdeka curriculum that had been implementation in overcoming bullying through the project of strengthening the profile of Pancasila student. This research used qualitative research with a descriptive qualitative approach, data collction techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The result showed that the implementation of the Merrdeka curriculum had been implemented was able to bring relevant impacts and changes, this was shown by the easy and deep learning process and minimal bullying problems. Through the project of strengthening the profile of Pancasila student realized by schools and teachers are able to bring students be able to understand what talents and interests they have so that students can develop their interests and talents, be able to achieve targets or goals that have been designed by the school and minimal bullying occurs.</p> Aisyah Nurul Fadilah, Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyah Nurul Fadilah, Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relevance of Cognitive Learning Theory in Student Concept Formation <p>Learning is an obligation for students. Learning contains theories or subjects that can be used as a reference. One learning theory is cognitive learning theory. This theory prioritizes processes rather than results. The formation of students' concepts can be interpreted as how students understand themselves. Because, there are still some students who cannot understand themselves and still look to other people. This research aims to determine the relevance of cognitive learning theory in forming students' concepts. The method used is a qualitative research method. This method uses narrative in analyzing data and the data is descriptive. The design of this research is library research which uses a literature review to obtain data. Data comes from journal articles, previous publications, and books. The results of this research indicate that there is a connection between cognitive learning theory and student concept formation. Cognitive learning theory prioritizes students' cognitive or intelligence through a learning process. When students understand what they have gained from learning, they can shape their personality to be better and can understand their condition so that they can form a perfect self-concept. Then, several schools still use cognitive learning theory to form students' concepts.</p> Rizka Sofyan Saputri, Fajar Witdanarko , Tiwik Sunarsih, Heru Subrata, Wiryanto Wiryanto Copyright (c) 2024 Rizka Sofyan Saputri, Fajar Witdanarko , Tiwik Sunarsih, Heru Subrata, Wiryanto Wiryanto Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis on Arabic Language Learning Based on Digital Sparkol VideoScribe in MI Nurus Sholah Pamekasan Students <p>In line with advances in telecommunications technology such as computer networks, software, and hardware, technological developments have accelerated very rapidly in the last few decades. This research was conducted to analysis on Arabic language learning based on digital sparkol videoscribe in MI Nurus Sholah Pamekasan students. A qualitative research approach was used in this study because the type of research used in this study was phenomenological, while the data that influenced the research results were descriptive. First, the application is so easy to obtain (how to acquire) and apply (how to use). Second, this application contains features that are so useful in the context of learning Arabic. Third, the application is familiar to students, so it is easy to recognize and understand. Fourth, the application of this Arabic learning application is able to support innovation in learning Arabic, reveal new insights, make self-learning more communicative, and then motivate everyone. The fifth contains the substance of the material content, which is represented in various visual, acoustic, and audiovisual formats with excellent color language capacity and object resolution</p> Jalaludin Azhari, Raudlatul Jannah, Asyhari Asyhari Copyright (c) 2024 Jalaludin Azhari, Raudlatul Jannah, Asyhari Asyhari Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of Pop-Up Creative Educational Books to Improve Students' Critical Thinking in Science Lessons for Grade V Students at SDN Sumurjalak II 2022/2023 <p>There is no learning media that can be used by educators in the teaching and learning process in science subjects, especially in single and mixed substances. In previous years educators only utilized teacher handbooks, student books, lecture methods and image media only. So that students become less interested in science subjects, especially in single and mixed substances. Based on the background of the above problems, this study is expected to provide Objectives (1) To determine the development of Pop-Up creative educational books in science subjects for grade V students at SDN Sumurjalak II, (2) To determine the ability of critical thinking skills of grade V students at SDN Sumurjalak II, (3) To determine the increase in the thinking ability of grade V at SDN Sumurjalak II in science subjects in the use of Pop-Up creative educational books. This research uses a research and development (R&amp;D) approach with descriptive analysis of data that has been collected through interviews, questionnaires, tests and documentation methods. The researcher applied a procedural development model that refers to the research model developed by Borg &amp; Gall, which was then modified by the researcher into a simpler, easier to implement and practical development model. The following is a modified model that is used as a reference in this study which consists of four stages, namely the needs analysis stage, planning, product development, and product evaluation.</p> Ninik Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Ninik Hidayati Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Model Assisted by Pop-Up Book Media in Improving Students' Concept Understanding <p>Understanding concepts is mastery of receiving and absorbing the material or information obtained. Based on the results of observations, it is known that students' understanding of concepts in science lessons in class V of SD 2 Demaan is still low. This research aims to increase students' conceptual understanding with a mind mapping learning model assisted by pop-up book media. This research is quantitative experimental research. This research was conducted in class V of SD 2 Demaan with 31 students as subjects. Data collection methods used include interviews, observation, tests and documentation. The results of the research obtained an average pretest score of 46.48 and an average posttest score of 88.06. Apart from that, this research also shows that the N-Gain value obtained is 0.77 in the high category. This shows that students' understanding of concepts after implementing the mind mapping model assisted by pop-up book media increased significantly and was effectively used in learning. Application of the mind map model with pop-up book media can increase understanding of concepts in the digestive system material in humans.</p> Retno Utami, Diana Ermawati, Sekar Dwi Ardianti Copyright (c) 2024 Retno Utami, Diana Ermawati, Sekar Dwi Ardianti Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000