Implementation of Humanistic Learning Theory in Limited Face-to-face Learning on the Primary Education
This study aims to dig deeper into the application of humanistic learning theory in limited face-to-face learning. The approach used in this research was qualitative method. The type of research used was case study. The location of this research was done at MI NU Hidayatun Najah which is located in the city of Tuban. The choice of research location was based on the fact that prior to the limited face-to-face and online learning, before this pandemic MI NU Hidayatun Najah was a full day school. Sources of data in this study were 3 informants which included class teachers and Koran teachers. The instruments in this study were documentation and interview sheets containing seven indicators regarding the implementation of humanistic learning theory in limited face-to-face learning. From the results of research that has been carried out by researchers, it is found that MI NU Hidayatun Najah Tuban has not been maximal in implementing humanistic learning theory in limited face-to-face learning. The results obtained in this study are still very limited and need to be developed in a wider scope. However, the findings in this study are expected to be used as evaluation material for a better implementation of humanistic theory at MI NU Hidayatun Najah Tuban.
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